
My research focuses on the planning of operation of electricity grids as well as electricity market design.

Methodologically, my work can be categorized broadly as decision making under uncertainty. In terms of topics I’ve been pondering on and ideas I’ve been fostering, here are some of them.

The market design for and the economics of Ancillary Services

  1. Are the markets properly designed? Or, at this stage, at least properly defined?
  2. What are inconsistencies or deficiencies in these markets and are they being exploited? If so, how and by whom?
  3. What’s the interplay of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and AS? Who’s profiting in this game?
  4. Do ISOs treat BESS merchants that desire to supply AS fairly?

Sequential price formation (SPF) schemes

  1. What role(s) does uncertainty play in setting prices?
  2. What is the impact of algorithm design on the policies?
  3. What is the impact of model design/choices on the policies?
  4. The topic of SPF does not feel brand new to me; it has been done for decades in countries with a large share of hydropower in their energy mix. But how is the topic developing in nations that only now are seeing remarkable growth in variable renewable energy sources?